Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday . . .

Wednesday… where has the time gone? We waited a year and now life seems so normal with Emma here. She was once a dream and then a hope and now a reality. Our day is full of two Chinese girls. How odd the twists & turns that God puts in our path through the years! I never would have guessed what my life would hold.

Today we were free until 2:40. That was when went to the US Consulate for our final paperwork and the swearing in ceremony. All types of families were formed today. The most were first time parents and there were a number of us who were adopting our second or third child. Just a few were adopting for the first time but had other children. There was one set of twins adopted today. Another family was adopting two special needs kids at the same time although the kids were not related. Most adopted kids were babies as you would expect. I could not help but tear up as I saw all the children get forever families. How wonderful their little lives will be with a mom and dad of their own.

Emma has given me hugs all day. She hugs me as I walk holding her hand. She comes and lays with me. Today she sat in my lap and put her arms around my neck and I sang “Rock a bye Baby” to her about a dozen times. She just giggled. Has she been held since she was a baby?

This morning Alison did homework and Emma watched movies. Tonight we ate at Pizza Hut. The pizza was really good. Alison and Emma had chicken wings and fries. We all enjoyed our dinner. The weather was quite nice this evening. There was a nice breeze and the humidity was down. I hope that lasts through tomorrow and Friday.

One WACAP family left today. Another leaves tomorrow and the rest of us are out on Friday. The couple that was on our flight coming over is going back on the same flight. They live in North Carolina. We are exchanging email addresses to keep in touch. That is the fun part of adoption in that you become part of a club almost.

We will sure be glad to be home. I can’t wait to see Emma’s reaction to home. She will be glad that Nikki is not home. She told us she does not like dogs. We told her that Nikki licks a LOT. Emma says she wants to sleep in the bottom bunk. We will see. She will probably sleep everywhere like Alison did.

So no earth shattering news. We are on the home stretch and boy are we ready to be home. We are ready for school and work and structured, normal days.


  1. Your trip seemed to got fast for me. Wonder if it did for you. It sounds like it went great! Your girls are darling.

  2. Hi Brenda - Just wondering how Emma is doing since you got home. I am sure Alison was glad to be back, but how is she doing with Emma there now? When will she start school? So many questions! Hope all is well!
    Lee Ann
