Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Waiting on 2010 & China

We had lovely holidays. One to go... New Years and then a new life begins for Emma. We heard today that our Article 5 is at the CCAA and one last hurdle is our Travel Authorization which can take 2-4 weeks. We have asked for quick travel when our TA comes. We were exactly at the same time two years ago with our adoption of Alison. We were the last group to finish our processing before the one week "halt" before Chinese New Year. We could be in the same situation.

We are all very excited to be going to China. Alison wants very much to go to old and new Zhu Hai (the orphanage has moved to a new location since she left). She says she has been to the new orphanage so she knows what it looks like. She also says that not everyone will go to the new orphanage. She says the not so smart and the babies will not go to the new place but we will find out when we get there.

Alison is quite protective of her new sister. She has insisted we buy items for Emma or we save some for Emma. That is a good sign but we all know there will be sibling rivalry. She wants me to buy Emma new things and not share what she has. Alison says she wants a new bike and Emma can have her old one. Well, that isn't going to happen!

The trip should be a huge boost to Alison's Chinese language skills. The language that is spoken on the national level is Mandarin (which is what is taught in school and the Chinese class that Alison takes once a week). Alison and Emma will know Cantonese as their native language. Alison did not know the difference when she first came but she does now. So special that the girls will be able to talk to each other and Emma won't be so frightened by the language disconnect.

We certainly dread the flight but I am so ready to meet our daughter. She is said to be shy and must be encouraged to join activities. She must be very sensitive and introverted. I worry that I won't be the first line for comfort. Will she come to snuggle and sit on our laps? It took a very long time to establish a strong love bond. Will it be similar or so different? I dread the time when we can't talk. When she is frustrated because she doesn't understand. Oh, I know it will be easier with our built-in interpreter but that may extend the time to bond.

We have decided not to travel around China on this trip. I so want to take the girls to Beijing. Lynn wants to do the whole China tour that we did in 2001. Three weeks of touring all over China. I highly recommend it. I DID NOT WANT to go but loved it. If I had not gone on that trip, I never would have fallen in love with China and gone back on two mission trips and soon two adoption trips. I would not have heard or understood or felt drawn to the children of China. God allows us to take baby steps to giant strides in life changes.

Love you Emma. We are weeks away from you now. You are on our hearts and in our prayers. Stay warm, stay healthy... your family comes soon.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How it all began

Our family was quite surprised when we announced we were adopting a 9 year old in 2006. Alison came home in January 2007 and has fit into our family quite nicely. She loves having sisters and she acts like the AUNT Alison (the social coordinator for all the nieces / nephews).

In the summer of 2006 we traveled to Louyang, China and played with many orphans (this was before we decided to adopt Alison). In January, 2009, I read on a web group that WACAP Adoption Agency was placing a large number of children from this orphanage. I logged into WACAP's website to view the children. We found a 13 year old that we had spent sometime with...her name was Emma. We spent almost a week trying to determine if this was indeed the girl we knew and it was. When we inquired about the possibility of adopting her we were told she was placed with another family. Over the next few weeks, I continued to watch for children I remembered.

Imagine my surprise when one night I was looking at pictures and I recognized the background as ZhuHai. I called Alison over to look at the picture and she announces this is MeiXin, her friend. And our journey began.

I contacted WACAP and we were told to put in an application. WACAP approved our application but there was no guarantee that China would approve. You see we are above the age allowed to adopt. It got down to a $500 gamble. No guarantees. If we wanted to adopt MeiXin, we had to do a formal application to China. The cost ... $500 and no refund if the answer is no. I did not have to think long. I sent in the money and within a week of our application arriving in China, the answer came back as approved.

Had to be a God thing. And why call her Emma? It was a family decision. That was the name we all liked and quite an honor to the other Emma. In finding our Louyang China Emma, I found our ZhuHai Emma MeiXin. Alison and Emma were together as children and will be forever sisters in America. They will be united in their Chinese past as children from the same orphanage and united as sisters forever in our family.

How wonderful that Alison can bridge the language barrier between English and Chinese. How comforting for Emma to have a friend here to get her through the transition. We are so blessed.
